Eco-Energetic – Biogas. Research, Technologies, Law and Economics in Baltic Sea Region - pierwsza strona okładki
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Eco-Energetic – Biogas. Research, Technologies, Law and Economics in Baltic Sea Region, praca zbiorowa, Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch (red.). Wydawnictwo GSW, Gdańsk 2012. ISBN 978-83-89762-42-9. Stron 184, format 17x24 cm (B5), język publikacji: angielski, cena: 34 zł
36,00 zł
Dyscyplina: Nauki techniczne
Nr katalogowy: 042
Tytuł Eco-Energetic – Biogas. Research, Technologies, Law and Economics in Baltic Sea Region
  praca zbiorowa
Redaktorzy naukowi Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch
Język publikacji Angielski
Tytuł serii Ekoenergetyka
Numer w serii 5
Rok wydania 2012
Strony 184
Format (cm) 17x24 (B5)
ISBN 978-83-89762-42-9
Cena (zł) 36,00
Tytuł serii: Ekoenergetyka
  1. Ekoenergetyka — zagadnienia technologii, ochrony środowiska i ekonomiki, Adam Cenian, Tadeusz Noch (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-27-6, Gdańsk 2010, Wydawnictwo GSW
  2. Ekoenergetyka — biogaz i syngaz. Technologie, strategie rozwoju, prawo i ekonomika w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego, Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-35-1, Gdańsk 2011, Wydawnictwo GSW
  3. Eco-Energetics — Biogas and Syngas. Technologies, Legal Framework, Policy and Economics in Baltic Sea Region, Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch (eds.), ISBN 978-83-89762-36-8, Gdańsk 2011, Wydawnictwo GSW
  4. Ekoenergetyka — biogaz. Wyniki badań, technologie, prawo i ekonomika w rejonie Morza Bałtyckiego, Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-41-2, Gdańsk 2012, Wydawnictwo GSW
  5. Eco-Energetic — Biogas. Research, Technologies, Law and Economics in Baltic Sea Region, Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch (eds.), ISBN 978-83-89762-42-9, Gdańsk 2012, Wydawnictwo GSW
  6. Ekoenergetyka — biogaz. Badania, technologie, prawo i ekonomika w rejonie Morza Bałtyckiego, Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-54-2, Gdańsk 2014, Wydawnictwo GSW
  7. Eco-energetics — biogas. Research, technologies, law and economics in the Baltic Sea Region, Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch (eds.), ISBN 978-83-89762-55-9, Gdańsk 2014, Wydawnictwo GSW
  8. Ekoenergetyka — biogaz. Badania, technologie i ekonomika w rejonie Morza Bałtyckiego, Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-77-1, Gdańsk 2016, Wydawnictwo GSW
  9. Eco-Energetics — biogas. Research, technologies and economics in the Baltic Sea Region, Adam Cenian, Janusz Gołaszewski, Tadeusz Noch (eds.), ISBN 978-83-89762-78-8, Gdańsk 2016, Wydawnictwo GSW
  10. Ekoenergetyka — biogaz. Badania, technologie, prawo i ekonomika w rejonie Morza Bałtyckiego, A. Cenian, J. Gołaszewski, T. Noch (red.), ISBN 978-83-89762-95-5, Gdańsk 2018, Wydawnictwo GSW

Zainteresuje Cię również nasze czasopismo "Eco-Energetics: technologies, environment, law and economy".


Eco-energetics is related to sustainable generation of electric and heat energy. Only such production can be called sustainable when we consider the interaction with environment and welfare of future generation. Even use of renewable energy sources is not always sustainable, e.g. our mixed feelings raises centralized energetics based on biomass resources, which leads to decrease of combustion efficiency, problems with logistics, biomass market degeneration, etc. Large objects on energy market purchasing large quantities of biomass, change and degenerate its market, inhibiting development of local, distributed energetics, which according to our knowledge is the most effective renewable energy system that stimulates local economy and increases energy security. So, when considering sustainable energetics, we should take into account resource (substrate) and energy efficiency, biodiversity (e.g. in biomass production), influences on climate and environment (pollutions), social and economic aspects (food security, heritages and prosperity of local communities, market and energy security).

One option of the eco-energetics is related to biogas production, which is supported by Governmental Program “Innovative Energy – Energy Agriculture”. Plantation and utilization of energy plants may stabilize agricultural production and bring considerable income, especially when standard agricultural production is unstable and prices are low. Green energetics can stimulate Pomeranian economy, especially in rural areas.

The goal of the Baltic Biogas Forum is to highlight the importance of energy safety in Baltic cross-border regions through raising awareness and the sustainable management of existing biomass and biogas sources (both agricultural biomass and municipal waste). Biogas utilization in co-generation and by using other technologies is another important issue. The Biogas Forum is organized by Baltic Eco-Energy Cluster and its members, including: The Marshall Office of Pomorskie Region, The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk University of Technology and Gdansk School of Higher Education. The POMCERT and IMPLASER companies support these institutions in matters of organization, especially in relations to other industrial partners. Radio Gdańsk as well as the journals Czysta Energia have decided to take over the media patronage. The event is organized under the honorary patronage of the Marshal of Pomorskie Region.

The sessions of the Baltic Biogas Forum: scientific as well as session of policy and capacity development are organized and supported by various national and international projects, including EU BSR „Bioenergy Promotion 2” and „Public Energy Alternatives”, both partly financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument), RPO WP 1.5.2 project „Support of creation and development of cooperation relationships in the Key Cluster of Pomorskie Region – Baltic EcoEnergy Cluster” partly financed by European Regional Development Fund in frame of RPO WP during years 2007-2013, and the strategic program of scientific research and experimental development of the National (Polish) Centre for Research and Development: „Advances Technologies for Energy Generation”; Task 4. „Elaboration of Integrated Technologies for the Production of Fuels and Energy from Biomass as well as from Agricultural and other Waste Materials”.

Table of Contents

I. Methane fermentation and co-fermentation processes

  1. Biogas productivity during multicomponent co-fermentation
  2. The use of Anaerobic Digestion Model no. 1 (ADM1) for estimating of methane production in agricultural biogas plant
  3. Model agricultural biogas plant at the didactic and research station in Bałdy
  4. Biogas production in fermentation and co-fermentation processes

II. Biogas technologies and installations

  1. Two stages bioreactor for biogas production
  2. Biogas upgrading using supported liquid membranes based on ionic liquids
  3. Catalytic materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells fuelled by biogas
  4. Innovative technological solutions in the Electra® bio-energy power plant
  5. Environmental impacts of using renewable energy resources
  6. Concepts for biomethane production
  7. The perspectives of use of biogas as biofuel in transport sector in Poland
  8. Pyrolysis and gasification of biogas digestate
  9. A hybrid anaerobic reactor with a microwave heating system

III. Substrates for methane fermentation and utilization of digestate

  1. Algal biomass as an alternative substrate for biogas technologies – potential benefits and limitations
  2. Biogas production from various silages
  3. Usability of Beta vulgaris L. as substrate for an on-farm biogas plant
  4. Digestion and co-digestion of distillery spent wash, cattle manure and maize silage
  5. Processing of digestate from agriculture biogas plant and use as fertilizer
  6. Production of Sida hermaphrodita Rusby-based Biomass as Co-substrate for Agricultural Biogas Plant
  7. Anaerobic co-digestion of white cabbage and sewage sludge
  8. Preserving of Virginia Fanpetals (Sida Hermaphrodita) Biomass Produced in Various Terms of Harvesting Cycle
  9. Virginia Fanpetal-based Digestion Residue used for Virginia Fanpetal Fertilization Purposes

IV. The potential and strategies for the biogas market development

  1. The potential for biogass plants development – Zachodniopomorskie voivodeship as case study
  2. RZĘDÓW research and investment programme as a model of cooperation between business, the scientific community, local government and the inhabitants

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